The Doomsday Book documents how the Fed claims powers far exceeding what’s authorized by Congress; e.g. the power to bail out cities or take over companies.
Logistics experts are rerouting Baltimore shipping traffic. The bridge collapse “will result in widespread supply chain disruption.” That means shortages and more inflation.
Morgan noted gold's status compared to silver and its limited mainstream media coverage until reaching significant highs, and highlighted the inflation-adjusted nature of current prices.
Metals sales tax battles are heating up -- with important bills moving forward right now in Kentucky, New Jersey, Idaho, Nebraska, and Iowa, among others.
Unfortunately, this latest sequel is as bad as the previous ones, as the American people are left with a massive $1.2 trillion dollar spending package to add to our already $34 trillion in debt.
Since the gold-silver ratio tells us the price of gold relative to silver and vice versa, we can look at historical trends and draw conclusions about the prices of both metals.