A critical question is how do we get as much buying power as possible from the beginning of the crisis through to the other side? By investing in specific parts of America.
Market participants in both stocks and gold would likely see any inaction or hesitancy by the Fed regarding interest rate cuts as negative for their investment outcomes and expectations.
It wouldn’t be totally crazy to suggest that the market participants are waking up to the fact that there is some serious misalignment in the global economy. This is resulting in an increased demand for gold.
The founding generation believed in real money - gold and silver. They understood that gold and silver could not be easily manipulated and printed for government purposes like paper and that it would retain its value over time.
Notably, the continuous rally in gold and silver prices amidst economic conditions underscores the resilience and appeal of precious metals as safe-haven assets.
Gold has outperformed gold equities the past three years. Gold mining stocks have performed well following periods they have significantly trailed bullion.
If you are oddly inclined to believe Reuters, if prices are on the rise in aggregate, why are almost none of the component prices inside of the report rising?