While only one percent of physical silver is brought to market through Comex settlement. This — 1% of the trades applies throughout the entire commodity sector. The other, 99% of the time settlement is in currency (fiat fictions) ...
We are entering into a technological revolution that is just being born that is going to change the world in ways we can’t even imagine yet whether we like it of not.
Only something epically dramatic and powerful like neutron star collision explosions could create the energy required to inject extra neutrons into heavy elements which make the element even heavier and change it from something like iron into gold.
By now, it's a fait accompli that the FOMC will announce a QE taper schedule on Wednesday at the conclusion of its November meeting. How the COMEX precious metals react..
Governments can borrow a lot of money when interest rates are negative, obviously. Sadly, when rates rise, the “debt is good” mantra tends to fail, and when rates rise a lot, the mantra fails badly.
The fundamentals supporting a monster move in gold and silver have never been stronger. This includes extraordinarily negative real interest rates, Government debt outstanding..