Tavi Costa joins us to discuss his latest data on the Silver & Gold Markets, other commodities, money velocity, inflation and how his strategy positioned for this market.
The Comex gold market has been flashing warning signs since early January. This continues to be the case. The latest influx of metal further supports the notion that banks are preparing for higher..
Bob Hoye notes the Wall Street adage, "Sell in May and go away..." could again apply to the key financial markets in 2022, despite the powerful bull market rally this week.
In addition to global central bank tightening, which is highly likely to pop the global Everything Bubble, and in addition to the multitude of new sanctions layering down like fathoms of sludge on top..
Recession was already a strong possibility even before the shooting started… and the genie is out of the bottle even if the shooting stops. The Russian sanctions will continue, which means..
But it appears their bigger concerns at the moment are the implications on that debt pile with a bust into the next deflation scare and secondarily, a bear market in stocks.
Conditions proved so dire in nickel, that the LME actually defaulted in every sense of the word, in order to save the banks, led by JPMorgan. No actual contract or exchange defaults occurred (or were reported) in oil, gold or silver..
"We will let you know what we are doing once we know what we are doing" -- was the message from the Federal Reserve statement and Chair Powell’s press conference.