Unlike the trillions in debt attached to the US and many global bond and currency markets, gold has no such liability as it pays no income and is just an old rock that ancient societies used as money.
Directionally near-term for Bitcoin, we’re clueless. Broadly for Gold we’ve no concerns. But for the Casino 500, we’re worried the whole roulette wheel could fly right off the spindle..
Gold and money are closely linked and we attempt to show that in our opening essay as we examine the explosion in money supply, debt and deficits. Gold stocks make up a very small portion of global markets yet they have remained ultra cheap for years in relation to gold.
The gold price will normalize relative to inflated money supplies. That portends much-higher gold prices in coming years, catapulting battered gold stocks way higher.
In the gold, you can see how the market is just sort of hanging right here. You can see that you're up $16.80 as we're talking. There is no trend, you came down.
American traders will prefer to be long in gold and silver for the weekend and Monday holiday. There can be very sharp two-way price moves in gold, silver, and copper.