Call it whatever you want, but the economy is in a bad way, powered by consumer borrowing that is unsustainable and shakily backstopped by Baby Boomer 'wealth' dwarfed by Social Security, Medicare and public pension liabilities..
The point, as a possible debt ceiling showdown nears, is that even completely eliminating that “non-defense discretionary” spending slice would still leave Washington without enough income to cover interest, defense, and mandatory spending growth.
The Missouri Senate today passed legislation that would prompt the state treasurer to hold at least 1% of state funds in gold and silver while eliminating all state income taxes on monetary metals.
US equities could stagnate. PMs Biggest Bull Market Ahead? Epic Central Bank gold purchases. Gold headed above $2,000? Peter has "never been this enthusiastic." ...
The other conclusion to be drawn, is there is no point making life harder for ourselves by trying to achieve 100% electrification, given that we do not have the metals supply to achieve this goal.
Changes in secular investment cycles can be financially devastating or wildly profitable - and this can be true on both ends of the cycles. As developed in the educational videos, stocks and gold have over the long term been contracyclical..
"Inflating-away the currency". Investors can survive the chaos by preparing now. Only 2% of investment funds is required to send silver to $200 and gold to $5,000 per ounce.
We are back to growing along the same slope (rate) as we had been, but stepped down to a much lower level. With the labor force that produces supplies and services now far below..