According to my technical runes, two things seem likely to occur: 1) the target will be precisely reached; and, 2) MSFT will not get past it without correcting by at least 20%, and possibly more.
Gold's value is centered in its use as money. Gold is real money because it meets the three characteristics of money: 1) a medium of exchange; 2) a measure of value; and 3) a store of value.
With national average mortgage rates heading above 7%, a housing affordability crisis threatens to weigh on prices. We're currently seeing a massive decline in revenues for vacation rentals..
National leaders are (or should be) reluctant to enter wars because, once begun, they are often hard to end. Monetary policy works the same way. Central bankers think they can handle a situation..
Paris is burning. Texas is burning. Canada is burning. But Ukraine is cooling while Prigozhin is chilling. The economy is hot and cold. Housing is running the AC and furnace at the same time.
John Rubino discusses the importance of storing precious metals safely, storage nuances, and insurance for precious metals storage. He also gives his insights on survival preparedness.
Bob Hoye, founder of Charts and Markets, gives us a technical overview of technology shares, discusses themes in commodity prices, the possibility of a credit crisis this Fall, and more.
Moriarty discusses the impact of BRICS. What will replace the current economic system and will central banks return to the gold standard, like a line of dominos?
Elliott Wave Founder Robert Prechter advises everyone to have a stash of gold and junk silver coins. He discusses storing precious metals outside the country and the risk of domestic instability.