Nearly the whole world is battling raging inflation, and currencies are battling each other. The collateral damages are the stimulus-dependent economies of entire nations.
I am going to start a two-part series describing what is in my personal portfolio and why. This letter is in the “do as I say and not as I do” category.
The danger is the government will blame the economic crisis on capitalism so that the government can make the case for even greater overreach and control.
Whenever you hear someone say “backed by the full faith and credit” of US Government (as is the case with the Federal Reserve note in your wallet) develop a plan B.
The U.S. is in real trouble. I’ve written many times about the importance of internationalizing your assets, your mode of living, and your way of thinking.
Rising oil prices raise some electricity costs, which raises the costs of doing business. These cost increases eventually get passed along in general pricing.
Physical gold is off the grid and immune from electronic seizure. That is an increasingly valuable feature in a world where governments are prone to ignore property rights.
Those in the know are betting on rising inflation and rising rates for longer. America’s wealthiest family funds are piling into bonds but shedding pubic-corporation stocks