The marshal is in the middle of Main Street flip-flopping around like a landed flounder in a hot desert because Powell is playing election engineer to help Biden beat out Trump.
Mooney’s question about Federal Reserve interventions in the gold market echoes concerns raised by some traders and policymakers that the Fed may be surreptitiously managing the gold price.
Dent Jr. explains: "We've been in this bubble so long and we're so used to the government always bailing us out no matter how much it takes. The problem is, if the government is the source of the bubble, how can they ultimately be the cure?"
Executive Director Cortez: "As inflation eats away at American families, the Sound Money Index holds states accountable for their policies impacting sound money."
Powell doesn’t understand the numbers he is working with if he actually believes, as he claims, inflation has been going down each month for several months.
Kotlikoff explains some who have received social security benefits are hit with a "clawback" letter, demanding the short-notice return of money. Amounts can range as high as $40k to $340,000.